Wednesday 25 February 2009

Week 5

A busy couple of weeks, and I must confess that this week I really have struggled. It was Software Engineering, more theoretical than the past weeks which have been much more in my comfort zone.

(Of course, that isn't a complaint, as this sort of thing is supposed to stretch me.

To be honest, I've not been that happy with my work this week, and been a bit wound up about it. I'm not that good dealing with explaining and justifying stuff that either seems very natural or very alien.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Week 1 concludes

Week 1 is over and done with, so that is 4 Discussion Questions and 2 Assignments completed.

It has been a week of going back and forth, between not having a clue what to write and great big spurts of waffly wordage that needs editing down. I'm not a great self-editor either, what comes out tends to be how it ends up.

Struggled a bit with one of the assignment questiosn before inspiration hit. I was expected some kind of research stuff, but it was more a but of questions with answers - decode this bit of LZW compression code and stuff. Which is a good workout for someone like me.

Will try to participate more in the discussions, though everyone is still in the awkward stage, like shuffling around a room and muttering. Things are loosening up a bit, as am I.

It is a mark of how I feel about the whole thing that despite being very very tired and less than my usual bouncy self, I posted tonights assignment not by thinking "Thank God that is in", but ""That is in... wonder if the next one is up yet?"

Thursday 15 January 2009

The Big Day arrives

So here we go - I'm going to log in to Blackboard and see what awaits.

Its been a troubled week, with worries and stresses about the commitment I've made. I've been reading the first recommended book and discovering just how much I sort of know, kind of understood and general had a bit of a grasp of. The book is filling in the blanks at a vast rate. If the course is as technical as that, I'll be a happy bunny.

Sunday 4 January 2009

And we're off

The intention is for this blog to record my thoughts as I take a Master of Science degree in Information Technology.

I start January 15th and have had to complete a Student Readiness module - basically an introduction to the online facilities, plus details about where to get information about fees and such like, general student life.

Didn't sleep much last night, for some reason I found myself just worrying about the journey I'm about to undertake. It is going to be hard on finances and home life, let alone being motivated and able to do the work on time. I just hope that I'm up to the task.